Blue Dream and the Legacy of Modernism in the Hamptons

My friend Peter just gave me the new book “Blue Dream and the Legacy of Modernism” by Paul Goldberger, and in depth study of a remarkable collaboration. It combines the work of Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Ed Bulgin, Michael Boucher, and Michael Lewis in constructing a sculptural house on the dunes in the Hamptons. The book is gorgeous, and I am particularly drawn to the wealth of construction photos documenting the concrete casts and formwork. Can’t wait to dig into this. What a great gift!

One reason I’m so interested in this construction process of the formwork and concrete is that I worked many years ago on something very similar in it’s formal moves, the Visitor’s Pavilion by Philip Johnson. But that was in 1994, and using computer modelling to develop free form shapes was only in its infancy at the time. It was really the skills of our office CAD genius Yasin Abdullah that got the project built in exactly the way Mr. Johnson wanted it.

A photograph of Philip Johnson's Visitors Pavilion New Canaan
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